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Saturday, March 28, 2009


I was reading the news on Fox that this is the blog name of the person who filed the latest "ethics" violation on Sarah Palin. Such hate and vitriol cannot be good for anyone, let alone their blood pressure. I hope she is keeping up on her meds for fear that she might have a stroke from all her unwarranted anger.

To me this is another case of a frivolous attempt to bankrupt the Governor and keep her from doing her job. So what if she wore a Snow Cat, or whatever it was, jacket with the logo. Gee, her husband's team is sponsored by them. So why not. She was there supporting her husband.

I think that Linda Kellen Biegel should get a real life and not worry so much about what is going on, like a nosy neighbor who has no life but what she wants to gossip about. That is about where I would put this law suit, in the realm of gossip. I would like to see, after this lawsuit is dismissed as frivolous, that Governor Palin presses a suit against her for false accusations. I am sure this piece of work deserves no more than that.

Let the little children have their way, the more they attack, the more Sarah Palin will rise to the top. I believe that she will be a great candidate for President in 2012. I am counting down the days until that happens.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Freedom Ain't Free

I found this incredible song that is sure to become the theme song for the Tea Parties around the country. Check it out!

We have to remember that freedom comes from standing up for what is right and not what may be popular by the losers of the land.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pay Offs for Election

Anyone here get the idea that the huge pork barrel spending bill is nothing more than a way to pay off contributors to the democratic elections? Even ACORN is due to get 4 BILLION DOLLARS. Obama has to make sure that they are ready in 4 years to add to their illegal votes to keep him in office another 4 years.

Nancy Pelosi, another porker, who makes sure that her Sunkist Tuna Company (owned by her husband) gets financial grants to keep it in business. Just as she kept the wages frozen for the workers there well under the national minimum wage.

Interesting, she promoted this bill after telling the world that there were not going to be any pork products! Like buying "green cars" for the govt when there are no stations to fuel them. Can anybody say DUMB.

Unless significantly changed, this bill is going to cost every American and not do a damn thing. We are just doing the democrats payoffs.

Transparency disappeared the moment Obummer walked into the white house. Scary Michelle is now out pushing his ideas like the snake appears to be. The democrats are not giving a bill that will help the common people, it will only help THEIR FRIENDS. So look out America, We are getting screwed again.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Hey, Obama can't get in. Locked out of WH? LOL

Today on the New York Daily News's Web site appear a picture and story of President Obama having trouble getting back into the White House.

The article begins:
It looks like President Obama hasn't gotten acquainted to his White House surroundings. On the way back to the Oval Office Tuesday, the President approached a paned window, instead of the actual door -- located a few feet to his right.

Doors didn't open automatically for Obama’s predecessor either. While making a hasty exit from a 2005 press conference in Beijing, former President George W. Bush tugged on the handles of a door, only to find it locked.

Bush laughed off the blunder, but the pictures still live on as part of Bush's lame duck legacy. However, there was little note taken of Obama's rookie mistake. If he can't find his way into the Oval office, how can he find his way to fix anything.

John Rich - They're shutting Detroit down.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Smut Education not working!

The headlines read that STDs have reached a new, all time high. Isn't it time to realize that the sex ed in schools is ineffective. Our system of education has gotten out of hand. By telling students that they have "rights", they are telling them to do anything that they want without consequences. But there are always consequences. In one way or another.

Instead of teaching them about how to have sex, why not try teaching them about having respect for each other. The young men to have respect for themselves and the young women. The young women to have respect for themselves and look to the future they could have without the danger of STDs or pregnancy.

Part of this is due to the fact that teachers are not working to show children how to become effective adults. I think in inner city schools especially, focusing on work, how to apply for a job, responsibilities for taking care of yourself, opportunities for life outside big cities, and such should be looked at. Children raised at risk do not have any kind of self esteem. They are not helped by the school system which should show them ways to break the cycle. It is too bad that they are not taught the skills of parenting so that they will be better equipped to change the system.

The Times Praise of President Bush

I read this article from the times entitled "Three Cheers for the Bush Doctrine" which surprised me. Some actual truth coming from the news media. Finally, someone is saying the truth about him and not denigrating his efforts to bring stability to the middle east. Unfortunately, most of the media cannot see the forest for the trees (or treehugger mentality). They should step back, look at the big picture for what it truly is and not their biased slant on this.